In my previous post, I ranted about my Palm Pre eating some important pictures I had taken...
Well, I went looking for them in the Pre's flash memory, using photorec(1).
I simply plugged my Pre into my Ubuntu laptop, tapped the Pre's screen selecting USB Drive, and the Pre shows up as /dev/sdc.
Next I ran
sudo photorec
I worked my way through a few options, and scanned the entire 8GB disk, which took ~20 minutes.
I actually found my missing pictures!
Moreover, photorec recovered several megabytes of C, C++, Javascript, and Shell source code!
I'm not going to post it here, as it's not my copyright and I don't see an open source license, but if you're curious what's lingering around on your SmartPhone's backing disk, give photorec a try ;-)
I used with satisfaction foremost, recovered my (aehm) honey moon (aehm) photos, which I lost formatting my HD. :P
ReplyDelete(practically, it saved my wedding :D )
I have it readily waiting in the maemo.org repos to be used on my N900...