Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Introducing eCryptfs.org!

I'm very proud to announce today the launch of eCryptfs.org!  For the first time in the 7 year history of the project, eCryptfs has it's very own, dedicated home on the web at eCryptfs.org.

eCryptfs.org now serves as the project's official portal to numerous resources, including: information about the project, StackExchange questions and answers, mailing list archives, the Google Plus page, package download links for all major Linux OSes, pointers to the kernel and userspace source code repositories, support resources, documentation, and news.

The kernel sources continue to be hosted on git.kernel.org, and the user space sources and bugs hosted on Launchpad.net.  We are now using StackExchange.com for questions and answers rather than Launchpad.

A special thanks goes out to the original authors and developers of eCryptfs in the IBM Linux Technology Center Security Team, the Canonical Kernel and Security Team, Red Hat and beyond, as well as all of the contributors to eCryptfs over the last 7 years.  Gazzang commissioned the artwork and web design, and is sponsoring the web hosting of eCryptfs.org as a bit of a "thank you" to the eCryptfs community growing far and wide.  Let us know what you think!



  1. Very well organized site, clear. Thanks a lot.

  2. Nice use of colour and texture there. Also that all the important information is just one click away. Simple and clean. Awesome!


Please do not use blog comments for support requests! Blog comments do not scale well to this effect.

Instead, please use Launchpad for Bugs and StackExchange for Questions.
* bugs.launchpad.net
* stackexchange.com
