Sunday, June 27, 2010

TurnKey Linux Beta Launches Byobu by Default at Login


TurnKey Linux is a Canonical Cloud Partner that provides Ubuntu-based Virtual Machine appliances. Alon Swartz of TurnKey recently announced the release of TurnKey Core Beta, re-based on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, and should release an official version shortly after Ubuntu 10.04.1 is generally available.

TurnKey has a real focus on user-friendliness, excellent defaults, and the user's first-run experience. Thus, I was excited to see this bullet in his TurnKey Core Lucid Beta announcement:
User friendly screen wrapper (byobu) launched by default on login.
I think this is a great idea, as I have proposed as much at the last couple of Ubuntu Developer Summits. Ciemon Dunville has filed a bug, suggesting that the Maverick Ubuntu Server install should also default to launching Byobu. The output of the latest UDS session was that "we might consider doing this, if enough Ubuntu server users are asking us for it."

If you think this is a good idea, please mark that bug as "affecting you too", and leave a comment! And if you think it's not quite ready yet, due to some particular bug or annoyance, please file a new bug -- I follow these very closely in my spare time, as I'm quite passionate about this project, and I work very hard to ensure that Byobu is high quality software, with happy users ;-)



  1. Thanks for all your work on byobu. It really has changed the way I interact with my computer.

  2. I do like byobu. i have even installed it onto my scientific linux workstation. however i am not 100% sure about having it as the default shell. i often use ssh which means i end up with a byobu session inside a byobu session. now i have to do Ctrl+A, A, N to switch tabs.

    i would be great to have better integration between multiple levels of byobo. but until then i prefer to start the session my self.


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