Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ubuntu's New Themes and Byobu

Jono Bacon, Alan Pope, and many others have blogged about the new Ubuntu Light and Dark themes.

I must say, I'm pretty excited. I think they look great! What a great time for a refresh of the Ubuntu Brand. I really like the orange and purple, and the black and gray look great.

You can easily configure Byobu to align with the new themes too! Just edit your ~/.byobu/color file, and set MONOCHROME=1, and then press F5 to reload.

Note: The theme is still very much still under development, and I'm not an artist on Canonical's excellent Design teams, so no guarantee from me that the desktop portion of these screenshots will look anything like the final Lucid desktop. These shots are meant to show that Byobu can be configured to work well with the new Ubuntu themes.



  1. Wait, which side are the window controls on by default, left or right?

  2. For the benefit of people reading this post via Planet Ubuntu who don't have a clue what Byobu is, could you see your way to making its name a link to its website so that we can easily find out?

    There are a lot of bloggers in our community who mention their own projects or projects they like a lot, but often without any context to help people understand what this project does, which I think might be detrimental to their mindshare.

    That sounded quite pompous, didn't it? I think it's true though.

  3. Minimize/Close buttons are at right. Will they be there by default?
    In screenshots at the are at left :)

  4. That glass buttons looks really cheap :-(

  5. My oversight on the lack of a link to ... fixed now!

    As for the controls, I have no idea. I'm working on the Server Side of Ubuntu.


  6. I use Mac also, so best way for me is the left side with buttons definetely.

  7. Hi guys,

    Wonderful themes!

    Am I wrong or the bottom panel is lacking from the new team?

    I've yet to see it in any screenshot.

    It has been removed?


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