Monday, January 26, 2009

Darker Ubuntu theme for screen-profiles

As requested, there is now an ubuntu-dark theme for Ubuntu's screen-profiles. This allows you to choose between light-on-dark, or dark-on-light colors for the window panel and the status panel across the bottom of your screen.

Make sure you have at least screen-profiles_1.15-0ubuntu1, which you can retrieve from:
And then run:

$ select-screen-profile

Select a screen profile:
1. plain
2. ubuntu-light ---- recommended
3. ubuntu-dark

Choose: 1-3 [2]: 3
If your terminal is also configured for light-on-dark, or if you're on a tty console, your screen should look something like this:

Thanks to Tyler Willingham for the suggestion and the patch/branch in Launchpad.



  1. Hi Dustin. I think these screen profiles are fantastic - certainly come in very useful, and the helper tool to set up automatic screen is great.

    One question though - is there an easy way to disable the F-Key shortcuts? I use htop, which has it's own F-Key mappings - but screen takes them over. Cheers.

  2. Good question. Please open a bug in Launchpad and I'll see what I can for you ;-)



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