Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Intrepid Ibex (Pseudo) Release Party: Austin, Texas

Anyone in the Austin, Texas area with an interest in Ubuntu, Linux, and/or Beer is welcome to join us on Thursday, October 30, 2008 to celebrate the release of Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex (8.10). We will be outside, at the Draught House Pub, from 5:30pm - 7:30pm (map).
You might meet, face-to-face, some people who use your code, and some people whose code you use. If you've never been to the Draught House Pub, it's a unique, neighborhood-style pub, with scores of beer on tap and a great outdoorsy feel.

Note that this isn't associated with the Austin LoCo--I have not seen any formal plans from them for a release party. But there does seem to be another release party hosted by the AustinLUG at 6:30pm on 10th Street. My apologies for "forking" the party, but plans were neither coordinated nor communicated particularly well.

In any case, get out there and celebrate Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex by drinking some beer wherever you are ;-)



  1. Dustin, seems to be the best place to coordinate local tech events. Their events calendar is always good to check.

    I have also put together a twitter account to spread last-minute information about any area Linux events.

    We have all the downloads at at 6:30pm to 9:00pm event tonight downtown.

    Good to meet you online!

  2. Thanks, Stephen, never heard of it.



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