Wednesday, November 1, 2023

I joined the Chainguard team!

Recharged by a long, restful, and productive sabbatical, I’m thrilled to share that I joined Chainguard in September as VP of Engineering!

Software security has long been a professional focus -- from working on early RHEL and SUSE certifications at IBM, to encrypting healthcare data and managing keys at Gazzang (acquired by Cloudera), to creating Canonical's security products for Ubuntu, to bringing Kubernetes on prem at Google, to safeguarding investors’ assets at Apex Fintech Solutions and Goldman Sachs.

With that backdrop, I’m excited to be part of the Chainguard team, as we help our customers securely source their open source, achieve and maintain FedRAMP, FIPS, PCI-DSS, and other compliances, with our zero-known-CVE container images powered by Wolfi.  Moreover, having spent the past 10 years leading product management teams, it’s great to marry those experiences back into such a high performance engineering organization.

If you’re at #KubeConNA in Chicago next week, drop by the Chainguard booth (Q12) or the SiliconANGLE & theCUBE studio (where I’m contributing again as an analyst) and come say hello!  I’ll gladly share my enthusiasm about the Linux security space and help you ensure your organization is on the right track.

P.S. Oh, and at some point let’s talk about sabbaticals…  After 23 years of non-stop “career-ing” across 3 private startups and 3 of the world’s largest public companies, raising 2 daughters, with nearly 2 million miles flown and over a thousand nights in hotels, OMG I needed a break more than I even realized!  I know many people in my network have pushed themselves even harder, and some others who are just a couple of years behind me.  If you ever get the chance to take a few months for yourself, do it!  You and your loved ones will appreciate it more than you can possibly imagine, and I suspect you’ll come out the other side refreshed and ready to tackle new problems with clear perspectives!

