Monday, September 18, 2017

Results of the Ubuntu Desktop Applications Survey

I had the distinct honor to deliver the closing keynote of the UbuCon Europe conference in Paris a few weeks ago.  First off -- what a beautiful conference and venue!  Kudos to the organizers who really put together a truly remarkable event.  And many thanks to the gentleman (Elias?) who brought me a bottle of his family's favorite champagne, as a gift on Day 2 :-)  I should give more talks in France!

In my keynote, I presented the results of the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Default Desktops Applications Survey, which was discussed at length on HackerNews, Reddit, and Slashdot.  With the help of the Ubuntu Desktop team (led by Will Cooke), we processed over 15,000 survey responses and in this presentation, I discussed some of the insights of the data.

The team is now hard at work evaluating many of the suggested applications, for those of you that aren't into the all-Emacs spin of Ubuntu ;-)

Moreover, we're also investigating a potential approach to make the Ubuntu Desktop experience perhaps a bit like those Choose-Your-Own-Adventure books we loved when we were kids, where users have the opportunity to select each of their prefer applications (or stick with the distro default) for a handful of categories, during installation.

Marius Quabeck recorded the session and published the audio and video of the presentation here on YouTube:

You can download the slides here, or peruse them below:


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Running Ubuntu Containers with Hyper-V Isolation on Windows 10 and Windows Server

Canonical and Microsoft have teamed up to deliver an truly special experience -- running Ubuntu containers with Hyper-V Isolation on Windows 10 and Windows Servers!

We have published a fantastic tutorial at, with screenshots and easy-to-follow instructions.  You should be up and running in minutes!

Follow that tutorial, and you'll be able to launch Ubuntu containers with Hyper-V isolation by running the following directly from a Windows Powershell:
  • docker run -it ubuntu bash